Brew Wild 2020
1.German Sours
23A Berliner Weisse
27A Gose
27C Lichtenhainer
2.Flemish Dark Sours
23B Flanders Red Ale
23C Oud Bruin
3.Belgian Golden Sours
23D Lambic
23E Gueuze
4.Fruited & Spiced Sours
23F Fruit Lambic Make sure that the fruit used is provided on both the paper entry and the bottle labels.
28C Wild Speciality Beer * Make sure that the base beer style and all additional/speciality ingredients are provided as well as the yeast/bacteria used on both the paper entry and the bottle labels.
* This style applies to any sour beer brewed with Fruit that is not a lambic as the base of the beer. (E.g Berliner Weisse with raspberries, Flanders Red with Cherries etc.)
5.American Wild Ales
28A Brett Ale Make sure that the base beer style and all additional/speciality ingredients are provided as well as stating if it was a 100% Brettanomyces fermentation on both the paper entry and the bottle labels.
28B Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer** Make sure that the base beer style and all additional/speciality ingredients are provided as well as the yeast/bacteria used on both the paper entry and the bottle labels.
** This style applies to any sour beer using any classical non sour beer style as the base beer. (E.g Sour Saison or Sour English Porter).
Information on Styles
Please refer to the BJCP 2015 Style guidelines for more information on each style, particularly the entry instructions of American Wild Ales (styles 28A-C).
If specialty beers do not have further details, the judges may not be able to give full comments or scores on the beers (though all attempts to judge these entries will be made). For specialty beers please include the base style if there is one, plus other information that you think would aid judges such as brewer’s intention, use of unusual ingredients or methods. This information should be added to the online entry form or as an additional page attached to the entry form.